A Web Developer at Digital Sales – How we build a Typical Website

A Web Developer at Digital Sales – How we build a Typical Website

So, how did we build www.HawkEyePestControl.ie and what processes can other business owners do in order to successfully build an SEO enabled website from the ground up…..What did Digital Sales do?

Initial Communication with Client

After communication with our Clients, at Digital Sales we then develop an idea of what the website will look like. This can do through competitor analysis and look at what the opposition is doing and what aspects you like or don’t like. For example, do they have a clear call to action etc.? A good web developer will consider these factors before moving ahead.

But first, if you are interested in our services at Digital Sales, check out this quick video:

Step One – Web Developer – 5 Pages of Keyword Analyses

By using Keywords you show Google and other search engines what your site is about. This helps websites rank higher in search results meaning more customers are directed to your website. Keywords should fit naturally into the content on your website and this helps both search engines and your customers easily navigate your website and find what they are looking for.

Here is a sample of our Keyword Analyses:

Web Developer

5 Pages of Keyword Analyses

Step Two – Which Keywords and Which Links

At this stage, you must work with your client and rule in or out the keywords you are interested in or not.  Then you must try and naturally as possible assign a keyword to a link within the website architecture.  Also, at this stage you should start to get an idea of the business sector and online demand volumes.  Effectively this is online market research, very precise market research.

Step Three – Compose a Rough Wireframe

Wireframes are essentially the Blueprint of your website and a rough visual of how the webpages will look when completed. This is where you get to be creative and include visual, audio and text ideas.

There are loads of free wireframe software over the internet, but if you have Microsoft Word, it should be fine to use and portray your vision to the client, for example with www.HawkEyePestControl.ie we provided this wireframe which did not vary from the finished product at all:


Word Wireframe Example Word Wireframe Example

Step Four – Design a First Draft Homepage

In order to provide the client with a vision of how the website will look a good design agency will provide a mock-up such as:

Web Developer Dublin

First Draft Website Design for www.HawkEyePestControl.ie

Step Five – Web Developer – Inner Page Design

The inner page design is only done after the homepage so the same format can be replicated such as color, font and imagery etc. Though it can be modified it is always important to be cohesive throughout your website.

Only when the homepage design and architecture is agreed upon then the inner page can be designed.  Inner pages have become even more important over the past number of years in terms of optimizing a specific page.  Take for example a search for ‘cv writing service’, see, the landing page url:

Inner Page Website Design Importance

Inner Page Website Design Importance


So, you must not only have a great homepage, but an even better inner page design, such as!!!

Web Developer

Inner Page Website Design www.HawkEyePestControl.ie

This was the team’s first draft, and on consideration and revision, we embedded the Instant Quotation form into the photo, just like the homepage.  There isn’t an awful lot of difference between the homepage and the inner page design, but they are equally important.

Take note of the strong call to action within the design, the different forms of customer influence and trust such as locations, testimonials, certificates and of course a professional website!

Step Six – Page content for Keyword Density

Keyword density and the location of keywords is hugely important throughout your content. Too many keywords and the wrong locations will look and read badly for your website visitors but also search engines. Pages stuffed with keywords are usually penalized by search engines and this can be detrimental to your whole website. It’s important to have a team like those at Digital Sales who correctly do this, following correct SEO protocols

Every page was assigned a keyword and keyword frequency was embedded into each pages content using our online Keyword Density Checker’.  We also employed best practice ‘on page SEO’ for each page, see.

Step Seven – Web Developer – WordPress Blog

WordPress sites are used throughout the web because of their ease of use and functionality. You will find many webpages are WordPress based including blogs, E-commerce stores and more. As you are renting space on the web, WordPress acts as your home.

A WordPress Blog was incorporated into the website for future SEO and Content Marketing


Step Eight –  Others

A – Web Developer – 404 Page:

Web Developer

404 Page Example

Web Developer

404 Page Example Error Message

B – .xml sitemap:

.xml sitemap

.xml sitemap

C – A Meta Description with a Strong Call to Action

Pest Control – Hawkeye Pest Control – Residential and Commercial Pest Control – Dublin Office: 01 9081119 Kildare Office: 045 834272 and surrounding areas – get an instant quotation

D – Language Code and Location

Language Code and Location

Language Code and Location

E – Google Analytics Code on every page and future blog posts

Google Analytics Code

Google Analytics Code

F – Download Speed Check


Our results will be updated shortly!!  Work in progress!

And the Final Result….. Web Developer



If you are on a mobile device, check out the digit interface when you use the Phone field on any of the forms.  Now, there is still room for improvement, the page load speed needs to be addressed and the site should go https for starters!  Fundamentally, we will keep an eye on online sales submissions and post an update in about six months time….watch this space!  And of course how this page ranks for Websites For Pest Control Companies!!!!

Need help with your Digital Sales, need a high class web developer?

See our contact us page for all our locations and means of contact or email the team at info@digitalsales.ie, you can also see a selection of our work here and how we helped companies sell online.

Diarmuid Haughian – Business Development Director – Digital Sales

Post Grad Dip. User Experience (UX), Dip. International Selling, Cert. Digital Marketing, MSc. BITS

Diarmuid Haughian Digital Signature

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