Designing a UD and Accessibility Solution for The Iveagh Trust Website

Designing a UD and Accessibility Solution for The Iveagh Trust Website

The focus was to address two of the most popular pages on the website, the Homepage and the Payment Page.  Amendments to the homepage were initially sketched out:

Step 1 – Homepage Sketch

Sketch Homepage

Homepage Sketch with changes to:

  1. Allowing the User to Pin Latest News to the Above the fold section of the site

Allowing the User to Pin Latest News to the Above the fold section of the site


2.  Embedding Traditional and Audio Search Functionality into the top navigation of the site

Embedding Traditional and Audio Search Functionality into the top navigation of the site

3.  Giving the user the ability to stop the video on the homepage (using the Accessibility icon)

C:\Users\me\Desktop\Giving the user the ability to stop the video on the homepage

4.  Embedding Accessibility Icons onto the header of the site (Contrast, Bigger Text and Pause Animation)

C:\Users\me\Desktop\Giving the user the ability to stop the video on the homepage


5.  Signposting the Top Navigation Links


Step 2 – Wireframe for Homepage with Accessibility and UD

Wireframe Homepage


Step 3 – Homepage Redesign

Homepage Redesign

Note the Latest News section is now larger and is more con-formative rather than trying too hard to be cool and modern. Also, the information on the homepage currently has 20 articles, how current would they all be? Is 20 articles required?  Reducing the number of articles should also help the page download speeds and another benefit is the length of the page is shorter.

Homepage Prototype Design, Accessibility and UD Featured Highlighted:

  1. Allowing the User to Pin Latest News to the Above the fold section of the site

Allowing the User to Pin Latest News to the Above the fold section of the site - Prototype


2.  Embedding Traditional and Audio Search Functionality into the top navigation of the site

Embedding Traditional and Audio Search Functionality into the top navigation of the site - Prototype

3.  Giving the user the ability to stop the video on the homepage (using the Accessibility icon)

Giving the user the ability to stop the video on the homepage (using the Accessibility - Prototype

4.  Embedding Accessibility Icons onto the homepage (Contrast, Bigger Text and Pause Animation)

Embedding Accessibility Icons onto the homepage (Contrast, Bigger Text and Pause Animation) - Prototype

5.  Signposting the Top Navigation Links

Signposting the Top Navigation Links - Prototype


Before and After – Homepage –



Mobile Interface – Payment Page

Step 1 – Sketch

Issues addressed:

  • Descriptive Headings
  • Notice text before the user starts the form
  • Red asterisk
  • Floating labels
  • Digit interface for amount field
  • Larger text
  • Option to ‘cancel’ out of the process.

Sketch Mobile Payment


Step 2 – Wireframe


Wireframe Mobile Payment


Step 3 – Redesign

Mobile Payment Redesign


Mobile Payment Page – Prototype Design, Accessibility and UD Featured Highlighted:

  • Descriptive Heading examples

  • Notice text before the user starts the form


Notice text before the user starts the form

  • Red asterisk

Red asterisk


  • Larger text

Larger Text


    • Option to ‘cancel’ out of the process


  • Floating labels and Digit interface for amount field would be in the coded page.


Before and After – Mobile Interface – Payment Page


The final stage of the project delves into the potential strengths and weaknesses of the process employed and allows for some further critical reflection.

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