7 UX (User Experience) Website Checks

7 UX (User Experience) Website Checks

As a website owner you have maybe seven seconds to make an impression and in order to make the most of these seven seconds you must have CLARITY.  Is the service or product you provide clear? Or is it clear what problem your company addresses?  And how is this solution articulated to the user, again, is that message clear? So, what is the solution to the problem?  But now that you have clarity and your solution is defined, you need to be specific.

Your Website UX must be specific, is it clear who is being addressed? Is there a step by step explanation on how the product(s) or service(s) work?

Can the unique quality / features of the product / service easily be identified?


Are explanations on the website broken down into high-level and more detailed levels?

Are there separate pages for each product / service?



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