Getting Past the Gatekeeper – Gatekeepers – Your Advantage?

Getting Past the Gatekeeper – Gatekeepers – Your Advantage?

Getting Past the Gatekeeper – Underestimate ‘gatekeepers’ at your peril!

Getting Past the Gatekeeper – Every sales professional must treat the gatekeeper like any other professional. Many are well educated, often job share and in some companies are highly paid multi lingual professionals. Like us all, they have their own job responsibilities and deflecting time wasting sales people may be one of their defined functions!

However, there is an upside! Gatekeepers are always keen to show initiative, are very close to decision makers and have an intimate knowledge of company strategy. To that extent if your call and message can relate to a company strategy or address a relevant or current issue, then you have a better chance of an endorsement from the gatekeeper.

Gatekeepers are always willing and anxious to help their boss and the company – so the message has to be concise, relevant and it has to press the right buttons (excuse the pun!).

But first, if you are interested in our services at Digital Sales, check out this quick video:

Getting Past the Gatekeeper – The Gatekeeper on the Phone

Remember people buy people first and first impressions can have a lasting impression, how can you come across as likable over a gatekeepers screening cold call?

Getting Past the Gatekeeper – My Tips:

• Use their name
• Ask questions
• Be curious and get them on side
• Don’t be aggressive and speak softly
• Have a shortened value proposition at the ready
• Ask for their opinion, their advice and help, involve them.

So before you make that call, don’t just be prepared to speak to your target, be prepared for the gatekeeper. Have a gatekeeper call plan at the ready, involve them and make them feel important.

Getting Past the Gatekeeper – The Gatekeeper in the Building

Now that you have an appointment, the phone gatekeeper will most likely meet you at reception, will have a brief chat with you, and offer you a coffee or tea. Say, yes. Respect the gate-keeper by treating them in the same manner you would treat the prospect. Your sales process may need more than one meeting and that gatekeeper has the power to prioritise you.

I can guarantee you, one of the decision makers will ask the gatekeeper, ‘what do you think of Diarmuid?!’ So, treat the gatekeeper as you would your prospect.

Remember, if you need help with any aspect of your Sales process, consultancy, lead generation (digital and traditional), metrics, motivation, etc.  Reach out, send me a mail ( or give the team a call.

Diarmuid Haughian – Business Development Director – Digital Sales

Dip. International Selling, Cert. Digital Marketing, MSc. BITS, MA Career Guidance

Diarmuid Haughian - Digital Signature


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