Website Audit @ Digital Sales – What might we look at Initially – 5 Quick Checks you can Undertake Right Now

Website Audit @ Digital Sales – What might we look at Initially – 5 Quick Checks you can Undertake Right Now

Website Audit – At Digital Sales we undertake a complimentary website audit for perspective clients.  These website audits are undertaken by user experience and SEO professionals.  Usually it can take two minutes to discover if a website is well designed with the user and sales in mind and best practice SEO employed.  And here are 5 quick website audit checks which you can undertake yourself and add to your own report.

Website Audit @ Digital Sales – What might we look at Initially – 5 Quick Checks you can Undertake Right Now

Website Audit

But first, if you are interested in our services at Digital Sales, check out this quick video:

Website Audit – Brand Protection

First, we will look at the basics, is your brand protected, what domain name do you own and what domains should you own.  The last thing you want is somebody trying to sell you a domain name you should own, and worse, a competitor hijacking your brand and stealing your leads and even your organic search engine position.  Go to any Domain Registration websites to find out what domain names are still for sale.  Here is an interesting read on how much you might pay for a domain.

Website Audit – Where is the website hosted?

If your business is serious about SEO position, hosting does effect website download speed and download speed effects SEO performance.  What country is your primary target?  Then buy a very good hosting package on a server in that country, do not go cheap!  To find out more regarding SEO and Hosting, see this blog post and search ‘where is my website hosted’ and you will find plenty of websites which will tell you where your website is hosted.

Website Audit – Basic look at the homepage code

There are very obvious tell tail signs that will inform Digital Sales if the website is properly targeted.  What is the assigned Language and Country code?  Have a look at this list and see if your homepage code has the correct code and then right click on your homepage, click ‘View Source Code’ and check the first few lines of code for, see:

Website Language and Country Code

Website Language and Country Code

Is it en-US, English and the US, when it should be: en-GB because you’re your audience is Britain??

Website Audit – Is the website HTTPS

Another relatively simple check and one which will quickly put your website at an instant disadvantage if not applied.  See this blog post for more information around SEO performance and SSL Certificates.  Has your website got an assigned SSL Certificate?


Website Audit – Page Download Statistics

Using this PageSpeed Tool from Google, you will quickly find out if your website has been coded well and if it needs to be addressed, if your website traffic is predominantly Mobile then focus accordingly on Mobile PageSpeed. See for example: 

 Website Audit – Need help with your Digital Sales and Marketing?…Contact Digital Sales

As you can see the basic Website Audit checks above are relatively simple to undertake, if you like a full audit, wee this website audit link.

If you are a company that wants to build a world class website, needs help with your organic search position, Digital Strategy or generating online sales……do the necessary!!!…contact the Digital Sales team direct send us a mail at:, see our contact us page for our office locations.

Diarmuid Haughian – Business Development Director – Digital Sales

Dip. International Selling, Cert. Digital Marketing, MSc. BITS, MA Career Guidance

Diarmuid Haughian - Digital Signature


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