Franklin Grid UNITE™ Asset Management Database

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Franklin Grid’s UNITE™ is a sophisticated IoT database that features advanced data visualization tools for Franklin Electric handheld battery testers and battery monitoring systems. UNITE™ provides centralized data storage for an entire network of battery plants, enabling remote analysis and reporting from a centralized location.


UNITE™ combines all of your CELLTRON™ Advantage Digital Battery Tester data and CELLGUARD™ Wireless Battery Monitoring Systems data into one consolidated network view.

UNITE Grid Overview Wide.psd



UNITE™ allows you to seamlessly and remotely drill down through your network of battery plants, strings, and individual batteries. Gain access to valuable performance insight data, enable cost-saving condition-based maintenance planning, and simplify your compliance reporting.

UNITE Grid Battery Orgs.psd


View, setup, and manage all CELLGUARD™ Wireless Battery Monitoring System and CELLTRON™ Advantage Digital Battery Tester organizations in a single view.

UNITE Grid Battery - Map.psd


Visualize your entire plant network geographically in a single map view. Visually confirm the status of all plants and quickly key in on those that may require attention or maintenance.

UNITE Grid Battery - Plant.psd


The present status of all strings, devices, and batteries within a plant can be viewed in a single dashboard. Get quick access to any alarms or warnings as well as string performance information including battery voltages, temperatures, conductance, strap resistance, and more.

UNITE Grid Battery - Stringt.psd


Review the status of a specific string with the ability to drill into key performance information on each individual battery. View details on discharge events and generate a PDF Snapshot sting report with a single click.

UNITE Grid Battery - Battery.psd


Dive into the present and historical performance data of individual batteries within a string. Visualize key battery performance indicators and trending data to pinpoint batteries in need of replacement with accuracy.

UNITE Grid Battery - Discharge.psd


UNITE™ provides a graphical timeline view of every string discharge event for advanced performance analysis and NERC compliance reporting. Discharge data includes start time, end time, voltage, temperature, and current.

UNITE Grid Battery - Event.psd


UNITE™ provides a detailed view of all active and inactive events within your organization. Both warning and alarm conditions appear based on your pre-set thresholds. Receive automated notification of events like discharges, high/low voltage, high/low temperature, plus more.

UNITE Grid Battery - Report.psd


With a single click, a battery string report PDF can be generated to streamline reporting and compliance requirements. Reports include the latest battery data, a string overview table and graph, battery reference information, battery threshold details, and more.


Navigation Hierarchy

  • Organization > Optional Hierarchy Entities > Plant > String > Battery


Hardware Compatibility

  • CELLGUARD™ Wireless Battery Monitoring System (Gen 3)
  • CELLGUARD™ Wired Battery Monitoring System
  • CELLTRON™ Advantage Digital Battery Testers
  • CELLTRON™ Advantage Battery Testers


Device Compatibility

  • Scales to fit any computer or connected device – including smartphones, tablets, notebooks, and workstations



  • Hosted on the Microsoft® Azure cloud, UNITE™ features state-of-the-art, multi-layered platform security, and multi-factor authentication user login
  • Azure is FedRAMP (Federal Risk Authorization Management Program) certified which is the driving criteria for third-party hosting services on behalf of major utilities and NERC

Plant Level Event Types

  • Plant Is In Charge Mode
  • Plant Is In Discharge Mode
  • Firmware Upgrade Required for UNITE™ Connection
  • Plant Requires Validation


String Level Event Types

  • Communication failure
  • High Voltage
  • Low Voltage
  • High Current
  • Low Current


Battery Level Event Types

  • Communication failure
  • High Conductance
  • Low Conductance
  • High Resistance
  • Low Resistance
  • High Conductance %
  • Low Conductance %
  • High Temperature
  • Low Temperature
  • High Voltage
  • Low Voltage


Temperature Zone Level Events

  • Low Temperature
  • High Temperature


ELS Strand Level Events

  • ELS Strand Active


External Alarm Device Level Events

  • External Device Warning
  • External Device Alarm


External Analog Device Level Events

  • External Analog Device High Warning
  • External Analog Device High Alarm
  • External Analog Device Low Warning
  • External Analog Device Low Alarm

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